the film
Numerical data in tables

Average Monthly Bill by Sector,
Census Division and State,
1999 Residential

by Energy Information Administration
Form EIA-861, "Annual Electric Utility Report", 1999

Census Division State Number of Consumers Average Monthly Consumption (kWh) Average Revenue (cents per kilowatthour) Average Monthly Bill (dollars and cents)
Pacific Contiguous 15,125,792 691 8.53 58.89
  California 11,326,501 548 10.71 58.70
  Oregon 1,408,927 1,068 5.75 61.40
  Washington 2,390,364 1,144 5.10 58.34
New England 5,714,629 597 11.18 66.76
  Connecticut 1,361,589 711 11.46 81.50
  Maine 625,988 493 13.07 64.46
  Massachusetts 2,495,675 581 10.09 58.60
  New Hampshire 531,875 560 13.84 77.48
  Rhode Island 419,188 529 10.13 53.61
  Vermont 280,314 594 12.17 72.29
Middle Atlantic 14,311,901 631 11.31 71.34
  New Jersey 3,147,864 650 11.40 74.06
  New York 6,601,592 537 13.32 71.51
  Pennsylvania 4,562,445 753 9.19 69.22
East North Central 18,098,851 761 8.26 62.86
  Illinois 4,622,423 714 8.83 63.10
  Indiana 2,505,377 958 6.96 66.70
  Michigan 4,058,091 630 8.73 54.96
  Ohio 4,630,054 839 8.68 72.82
  Wisconsin 2,282,906 712 7.31 52.04
West North Central 8,092,802 860 7.36 63.29
  Iowa 1,228,606 805 8.35 67.22
  Kansas 1,118,271 846 7.64 64.64
  Minnesota 2,017,362 743 7.41 55.12
  Missouri 2,405,251 962 7.12 68.48
  Nebraska 718,240 920 6.52 60.00
  North Dakota 286,494 962 6.50 62.47
  South Dakota 318,578 864 7.42 64.10
South Atlantic 21,502,501 1,072 7.72 82.83
  Delaware 331,047 889 9.17 81.50
  District of Columbia 193,822 706 8.00 56.49
  Florida 7,001,021 1,117 7.73 86.34
  Georgia 3,295,924 1,056 7.56 79.87
  Maryland 1,952,497 996 8.39 83.62
  North Carolina 3,474,399 1,047 7.99 83.62
  South Carolina 1,724,911 1,145 7.55 86.49
  Virginia 2,715,550 1,098 7.48 82.16
  West Virginia 813,330 968 6.27 60.76
East South Central 7,151,289 1,181 6.42 75.83
  Alabama 1,900,692 1,186 7.03 83.36
  Kentucky 1,734,903 1,083 5.58 60.40
  Mississippi 1,152,329 1,180 6.75 79.70
  Tennessee 2,363,365 1,249 6.34 79.22
West South Central 12,278,642 1,136 7.37 83.71
  Arkansas 1,159,684 1,009 7.43 74.94
  Louisiana 1,791,240 1,229 7.12 87.54
  Oklahoma 1,495,399 1,020 6.60 67.32
  Texas 7,832,319 1,155 7.55 87.26
Mountain 6,949,723 808 7.44 60.14
  Arizona 1,896,943 989 8.53 84.42
  Colorado 1,712,891 639 7.38 47.14
  Idaho 516,526 1,098 5.26 57.77
  Montana 393,329 776 6.78 52.66
  Nevada 760,262 919 7.13 65.52
  New Mexico 712,084 544 8.62 46.88
  Utah 738,880 703 6.27 44.12
  Wyoming 218,808 771 6.34 48.88
Pacific Noncontiguous 590,927 642 13.01 83.57
  Alaska 227,247 684 11.16 76.34
  Hawaii 363,680 616 14.30 88.09
U.S. Total   109,817,057 866 8.16 70.68

Commercial or industrial billings are generally determined by the level of demand and consumption of electricity rather than by consumer economic activity.

Average monthly consumption in kilowatthours is calculated by dividing the megawatthours by 12(months), dividing the results by the number of consumers, and multiplying by 1000(to convert to kilowatthours).

The average revenue is calculated by dividing the revenue by the megawatthours, then multiplying by 100 (to convert to dollars and cents).

The average monthly bill is calculated by dividing the revenue by 12(months), dividing the result by the number of consumers, and multiplying by 1000(to convert to dollars and cents).

Estimated Average Revenue per Kilowatthour for All Sectors at Electric Utilities by State, 2000 Note:
• Estimates are preliminary.
• The average revenue per kilowatthour of electricity sold is calculated by dividing revenue by sales.
• Values for average revenue per kilowatthour do not account for all energy service providers. Consequently, the growth in sales is underestimated (in particular for the commercial and industrial sectors). This, in turn, may affect the rates of associated revenue to sales of electricity.

Source: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-826, “Monthly Electric Utility Sales and Revenue Report with State Distributions.”
kWh = Kilowatthour.

Related Pages:
Average Monthly Bill, 1999 Commercial
Average Monthly Bill, 1999 Industrial

Energy Information Administration
Average Monthly Bill By Sector, Census Division and State, 1999 Residential
Form EIA-861, "Annual Electric Utility Report" 1999

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