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Economic and dam related articles

Why Lower Snake River Dam Removal
is not in the Draft 2007 FCRPS BiOp

by WWC Staff
Wheat Life, December 2007

Excerpted from a publication of the Bonneville Power Administration and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

The proposed actions for Columbia and Snake river operations and fish recovery developed by the federal action agencies in 2007 set forth clear steps to help salmon and steelhead on the road to recovery. NOAA's draft BiOp analyszes the impacts of thse proposed actions in detail and whether these steps support species recovery. Breaching the lower four Snake River dams is not a consideration in these plans for some of the following reasons:

The Washington Wheat Commission (WWC) has been a longstanding supporter of keeping the dam system of the Pacific Northwest (PNW) intact as it recognizes the significance of the dam infrastructure to the region's wheat industry.

WWC Staff
Why Lower Snake River Dam Removal is not in the Draft 2007 FCRPS BiOp
Wheat Life, December 2007

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