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Oregon Company May Use
Montana Power Via MSTI

by Marnee Banks
KTRV News, January 11, 2012

An Oregon based utility company is exploring the options of using Montana power to service its customers.

Bonneville Power Administration has signed an agreement with NorthWestern Energy to consider investing in the Mountain States Transmission Inter-tie (MSTI) project.

The MSTI project is a $1-billion dollar transmission line stretching from Townsend, Montana to Jerome, Idaho.

Bonneville Power currently provides electricity to customers in Idaho but its contract with its transmission provider is up in 2016.

Bonneville estimates it needs 550 megawatts of electricity to continue to service to those customers.

When constructed, MSTI will have 1,500 megawatts of capacity.

NorthWestern Energy vice-president Mike Cashell said, "We look forward to working with BPA on the MSTI project to determine how it might be of benefit to BPA in serving its customers in Idaho, Wyoming and Montana."

Brian Silverstein, senior vice president of BPA Transmission Services, noted, "Participation in the MSTI project could help us with our requirement to serve our customers in and around southeastern Idaho and provide other benefits. We are eager to see what BPA might gain from being part of this project."

Marnee Banks
Oregon Company May Use Montana Power Via MSTI
KTRV News, January 11, 2012

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