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Economic and dam related articles

U.S. Seeks Breaker Replacement,
Rehab at 810-MW Little Goose

by PennWell
HydroWorld, November 29, 2011

WALLA WALLA, Wash., -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers seeks bids from small businesses for replacement and for refurbishment of circuit breakers at 810-MW Little Goose Dam in Washington. Bids in two solicitations are due Dec. 15.

The Corps' Walla Walla District already seeks bids Dec. 29 for a new 130-ton intake gantry crane at Little Goose, on the Snake River. The agency issued an earlier call for reconditioning of circuit breakers at Little Goose in January.

The Corps now seeks bids in one solicitation, No. W912EF12Q0014, for two GE AK-2-25 circuit breakers and one DB15 class 1 circuit breaker reconditioned, to include retrofitting of an ARC Flash Reduction Maintenance Switch, and two control relays.

In a separate solicitation, No. W912EF12Q0015, the Corps seeks upgrading of five GE AK-2-25 circuit breakers and one GE AK-2-50 circuit breaker, to include retrofitting of an ARC Flash Reduction Maintenance Switch, five DB15 circuit breakers, and three DB25 circuit breakers, to include retrofitting of an ARC Flash Reduction Maintenance Switch.

Solicitation notices may be obtained from the Federal Business Opportunities Internet site,, by entering the solicitation numbers above in the "Keyword/Solicitation #" box.

Bids in both solicitations are due Dec. 15. For information, contact W. Craig Kendall, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District, 201 N. 3rd Ave., Walla Walla, WA 99362-1876; (1) 509-527-7208; E-mail:

U.S. Seeks Breaker Replacement, Rehab at 810-MW Little Goose
HydroWorld, November 29, 2011

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