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Economic and dam related articles

Small Fires Briefly
Shut Down Ice Harbor Dam

by Associated Press
My Northwest, January 18, 2013

BURBANK, Wash. - The Ice Harbor Dam on the Snake River near the Tri-Cities is back in operation after it was briefly shut down Thursday by two small electrical fires.

Corps of Engineers spokeswoman Gina Baltrusch says fires in two cabinets burned themselves out. The fire cause remains under investigation Friday, and there's no estimate of the damage.

Three of the dam's six generators that were operating at the time shut down. One was brought back into operation Thursday night, but the two others are still being evaluated Friday. In addition, one of three generators that were down for maintenance is now operating.

The dam's navigation lock returned to service Thursday afternoon.

Ice Harbor Dam can feed about 300 megawatts into the Bonneville Power Administration grid. That's enough electricity for about 360,000 homes.

Chart Hydropower - Lower Snake River Dams typical production by month

Related Pages:
Seasonal Hydropower on Lower Columbia & Lower Snake Rivers by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Government Data for January 2000 - August 2002

Associated Press
Small Fires Briefly Shut Down Ice Harbor Dam
My Northwest, January 18, 2013

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