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Economic and dam related articles

Clark County Residents Could See
Up to 5 Percent Utility Rate Hike

by Kristine Guerra
The Oregonian, October 11, 2011

Clark Public Utilities commissioners will decide Oct. 25 on a utility rate hike that could reach nearly 5 percent for residential customers.

Richard Dyer, director of finance and treasurer for Clark Public Utilities, said a rate increase is necessary to backfill a projected $13.7 million revenue shortfall next year.

Earlier this month, utility companies began paying higher wholesale rates to purchase power from the Bonneville Power Administration. Clark Public Utilities is expecting to pay $17.7 million more in 2012 than it did this year.

The other driving force, which won't take effect until Jan. 1, is the Energy Independence Act, a clean energy initiative Washington voters approved in 2006. It requires large utility companies to obtain 15 percent of their electricity from renewable energy sources by 2020.

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Kristine Guerra
Clark County Residents Could See Up to 5 Percent Utility Rate Hike <-- Full article at original site.
The Oregonian, October 11, 2011

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