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President's 2013 Energy Budget Seeks
$2.27 Billion for Efficiency, Renewables

by Staff
Clean Edge, February 16, 2012

Wind energy operators say the Bonneville Power Administration's latest proposal falls short. U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu recently detailed President Barack Obama's $27.2 billion Fiscal Year 2013 budget request for the Department of Energy, emphasizing the President's commitment to an all-of-the-above energy strategy. For the DOE's Office Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the President requested $2.27 billion. The budget request for the Department is part of the President's blueprint for an American economy that it states is built to last based on American energy that is cleaner, cheaper, and focused on new jobs. "The United States is competing in a global race for the clean energy jobs of the future," said Secretary Chu. "The choice we face as a nation is simple: do we want the clean energy technologies of tomorrow to be invented in America by American innovators, made by American workers and sold around the world, or do we want to concede those jobs to our competitors? We can and must compete for those jobs."

Some highlights in the FY 2013 budget include:

The budget request for fiscal year 2013 also highlights the steps the Department is trying to make to improve its management and operations, and reduce costs. Some examples include: The Energy Department's complete FY 2013 Budget Request to Congress is available at:

President's 2013 Energy Budget Seeks $2.27 Billion for Efficiency, Renewables
Clean Edge, February 16, 2012

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