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Bonneville Proposes Rate Increases

by Associated Press
Seattle Times, November 8, 2012

The Bonneville Power Administration wants to raise wholesale power rates 9.6 percent to make up for
lower surplus power sales due to competition from power plants running on low-cost natural gas.

The BPA supplies about a third of the Northwest's electricity from its Columbia River dams, including Bonneville Dam. PORTLAND, Ore. -- The Bonneville Power Administration wants to raise wholesale power rates 9.6 percent to make up for lower surplus power sales due to competition from power plants running on low-cost natural gas.

The federal agency said Thursday it needs the money for maintenance and upgrades for the dams and nuclear power plant that produce its power.

BPA also wants a 13 percent increase in fees it charges utilities to move power on 15,000 miles of transmission lines.

Spokesman Mike Hansen says the amount that consumers see on their electric bills will be less, because not all that increase gets passed through by utilities.

The agency adjusts its rates every two years. Following a review by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, new rates will go into effect Oct. 1 2013.

Graphic: BPA's Historical Priority Firm Power 1985-2015

Associated Press
Bonneville Proposes Rate Increases
Seattle Times, November 8, 2012

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