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BPA Energy Balancing Rate Settlement
Signals Commitment to Work on Broader Solutions

by Staff
Albany Tribune, May 18, 2013

As the region looks for more effective ways to integrate wind and other renewable energy sources, the Bonneville Power Administration and its customers have agreed to settle the portion of BPA's rate case that defines charges for balancing services, or generation inputs, that maintain a constant balance of the energy produced and energy consumed.

"BPA and the parties involved in this portion of the rate case admirably collaborated and compromised to reach this settlement agreement," said BPA Administrator Bill Drummond. "We have a challenge ahead of us, but I am confident we can work together to find innovative and less costly energy balancing solutions."

The agreement calls for BPA and rate case parties to set aside new legal and regulatory action until September 30, 2015, which is the end of the upcoming rate period. This will allow the region to work together and focus on long-term sustainable solutions to these challenging issues. The settlement provides time for the region to develop energy scheduling options and other tools expected to significantly reduce renewable resource integration costs.

Settlement highlights include:

BPA and party signatories had until May 6 to sign the agreement. One party objected to the agreement.

BPA Energy Balancing Rate Settlement Signals Commitment to Work on Broader Solutions
Albany Tribune, May 18, 2013

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