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Distinguished Award for
Industrial Energy Efficiency

by Staff
BPA Journal, March 2012

The Association of Energy Services Professionals recognized the Bonneville Power Administration's Energy Smart Industrial program on Feb. 8 for tripling its industrial annual energy savings in 2011, when compared to 2009 efforts.

The ESI program saved over 28 average megawatts of energy last year. In 2009, BPA's industrial efforts achieved 9.6 average megawatts in savings and more than 13 aMW in 2010.

For perspective, 28 megawatts is enough energy to power about 20,000 Northwest homes.

Jennifer Eskil, BPA's market lead for the industrial energy efficiency sector, accepted the Energy Award for Outstanding Program Design & Implementation on behalf of BPA at AESP's 21st National Conference & Expo.

Distinguished Award for Industrial Energy Efficiency
BPA Journal, March 2012

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