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First Sockeye Arrives in Stanley
Amid Dismal Returns

by Staff
Post Register, August 7, 2019

The fish have to complete a 900-mile journey that includes crossing eight dams to return to Idaho.

(Darin Oswald photo) Lonesome Larry was the only sockeye salmon to make it to Idaho's Redfish Lake to spawn in 1992. His sperm was used to preserve a strain of the salmon that was on the edge of extinction. The first sockeye of 2019 returned to the Redfish Lake Creek trap near Stanley on Aug. 2. The first sockeye arrived on July 26 last year, and July 27 in 2017.

The fish is among the 53 sockeye that have so far crossed Lower Granite Dam near Lewiston (through Aug. 1), which is the last dam the fish cross before reaching Idaho.

The 2019 sockeye run through Lower Granite so far is below last year’s total of 276 fish, as well as the 2017 total of 228 fish, which was the lowest return in a decade. It is likely that the returns in 2019 will be lower.

Idaho sockeye must complete a 900-mile migration from the Pacific Ocean that includes crossing eight dams and climbing 6,500-feet elevation to reach the Sawtooth Basin.

When Idaho sockeye were listed in 1991 under the federal Endangered Species Act, only four adult sockeye returned to the Stanley Basin. The combined annual returns from 1991-99 was 23 fish, including two years when no sockeye returned to Idaho. Between 1996 and 2007, annual sockeye returns over Lower Granite averaged 52 fish. Since 2008, sockeye returns over Lower Granite have averaged 1,115 fish with an annual range of 228 to a high of 2,786 in 2014.

Input sought on fall Chinook season

Fish and Game is seeking public comment on its 2019 adult fall Chinook season on the Clearwater River.

About 5,400 natural and 10,000 hatchery Chinook are projected to return. About 15% of the run are marked with an adipose fin clip. About 3,200 of the run would be available for harvest with half of the harvest allocated to the Clearwater River.

To learn more and comment on the season, go to

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Count the Fish by Government Accounting Office, Salmon and Steelhead Recovery Efforts

First Sockeye Arrives in Stanley Amid Dismal Returns
Post Register, August 7, 2019

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