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Scientists Look to Sewage
as Energy Source

by Juliet Eilperin
The Olympian, November 1, 2004

Scientists are developing technology that would turn raw sewage into an energy source, according to a report being published today in the American Chemical Society journal Environmental Science & Technology.

While 76 milliwatts is not a lot of electricity -- common light bulbs use 100 watts of energy, for example -- Logan said he envisioned a system in which wastewater treatment plants would power themselves with the technology. Wastewater treatment now consumes 5 percent of American energy production, he said.

Wastewater from 100,000 people could yield 2.3 megawatts of power, he said, enough to power 1,500 homes.

"We're looking to harness the energy, Logan said.

Related Pages:
Poo Power From New Fuel Cell by Juliet Eilperin, Science A GoGo, 11/3/4
Poop Power? Sewage Turned into Electricity by Miguel Llanos, MSNBC, 7/19/4

Juliet Eilperin, Associated Press
Scientists Look to Sewage as Energy Source
The Olympian, November 1, 2004

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