the film

Port Approves Plans to Discharge
Treated Runoff into Columbia River

by Alex Pulaski
The Oregonian, May 9, 2007

Port of Portland commissioners voted unanimously today to design a new $70 million system to collect and treat runoff from de-icing fluid sprayed on planes.

Although the Port must still obtain necessary permits from the state, plans call for expanded storage capacity and treatment of runoff before discharging it into the Columbia River.

The Port currently discharges runoff into the Columbia Slough, but has violated its state permits dozens of times. Bacterial breakdown of the runoff robs oxygen from aquatic life in the slough.

The new system will be paid for by airport usage fees charged to airlines.

Susan Aha, the Port's project manager, said construction is scheduled to begin in June 2008 and conclude in 2012.

Related Pages:
Port must Fix Runoff at PDX, by Alex Pulaski, The Oregonian, 10/17/6

Alex Pulaski
Port Approves Plans to Discharge Treated Runoff into Columbia River
The Oregonian, May 9, 2007

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